
doit offers rudimentary control with the top- and task-level verbosity setting, but this only controls the output observed on the console.

Task actions often create useful outputs, but may not all provide a way to write their output to files, which sometimes leads to convoluted shell redirection, which can be inconsistent on different platforms, especially Windows.

A few utilities are provided to manage writing action outputs to files, which can then be used as file_dep of other tasks.

Write all task output to a file#

An example of a useful output is a requirements.txt

# pyproject.toml
pip_freeze = "build/pip-freeze.txt"

meta = {doitoml = {log = "::pip_freeze"}}
actions = [["pip", "freeze"]]
targets = ["::pip_freeze"]


This approach also works for user Python actions.

Splitting output streams#

Some scripts generate useful output on the stdout stream and diagnostics and warnings on stderr. These can be separately configured. As null is not a valid value in TOML, the empty string can be given to let output be streamed to the console, or only shown on error, as configured by doit’s verbosity.

# pyproject.toml
cmd_output = "build/cmd-output.txt"

meta = {doitoml = {log = ["::cmd_output", ""]}}
actions = [["some-command"]]
targets = ["::cmd_output"]